Wednesday 4 March 2015

Travelling: Life, Advice and Rants

So you may already know but myself, Charlotte, Shannon, Elana and Rosa came back from a 3 day trip to Disneyland yesterday! Here is a picture of us in the Disney village:


This was my first time travelling out of the country without the watchful eye of a parental guardian and for the trip we had to navigate, feed and generally sort ourselves out. I have to say it wasn't as stressful as people make travelling to other countries out to be however I understand that others may not cope as well. This is why I have come up with a list of do's and don't's when preparing to travel aboard.

DO: Wake up early
Holidays don't come everyday, one minute your on the sandy beaches of a exotic hotel and the next your stuffed inside a freezing cold classroom. Make the most of the time you've got, you can always sleep when you get home! Having more of the day to do things you will enjoy and make memories you will share forever is worth more than an extra hour in bed.

DONT: Worry about WI-FI
Many hotels draw more crowds in if the provide free internet connection as they know people cannot live without tweeting everything they do on holiday. On our recent trip, there was no internet and to be honest I was quite glad. We had so much fun just laughing and talking together without the constant need to be glued to our phones. Don't prioritise the need for wi-fi as it isn't a necessity.

DO: Take lots of photos
You may only see these places & meet these people once in your lifetime so make sure you will remember them forever with plenty of photos. Don’t worry about looking like a “tourist”, trust me most people will be doing the same. Great photos are the ultimate souvenir. They don’t cost anything, they’re easy to share with others, and they don’t take up space in your luggage.

DONT: Lose track of your spending
Of course you should buying gifts and souvenirs as a way to remember the fantastic time you spent in a country, just don't forget the necessities. Know how much you have to spend and ship wisely. Haggle if you want, stalls and street sellers will usually try to sell at the highest price but will lower prices if you are confident enough. Eating, drinking and having a safe place to stay should always be top of your list when spending.

There are some few tips that I hope will increase your chance of having good experiences when you travel. Remember that we have a limited amount of time the do everything you love, whether it be jungle trekking, exotic sun soaking or just Butlins down the road. Holidays give the chance of new friends, new tans and new memories so never be afraid to pack up a leave because if you can...why not!

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