The Round-Up

Hi, I'm Shannon Louise Hyner and I've been sucked into the vortex of blogging with a few friends of mine in hope of enlightenment or if all else fails something to look good on my personal statement. Always the optimist as you can tell, I'm a 16 year old white chick who is trying to making sense of this big old planet we live on. A little lost but I do know I love vinyl, anything sporty, books, my friends, my twin (whenever she escapes my shadow) and orange juice with lemonade. Most call me heartless, I call it rationality. However, I'm usually having a laugh or insulting someone out of love. I'm a funny bean. 

In my quest to understand the big wide world, I hope to let some light on the situation with this weekly round up every Sunday. This could be from the big news of the week or to something interesting that's been happening and I'll try and explain myself in hope we might all know just a little bit more. If all else fails, I'll round up what my fellow chums have been gassing about this week. Strap in and hold on tight. 

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