Sunday 15 March 2015

The Round Up: Almost1998 so far

Almost 1998 has been going now since the 12th of January and I wanted to relive the past 2 months, the highs and very few lows of this blogging experience. So far, we have received over 5,000 page views from people all over the country, mainly from the UK but we have also branched off to other countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. The most popular post being a Celebrity Culture piece 'My
2015 Brit Award Predictions'. It's hard to deny that this culturally fitting post deserves the top spot, n insightful prediction and I might say, rather accurate. Everyone is keen to keep up with music awards and have a guess on who will win the top prizes so understandable this accurate piece provides people with an insight on what to expect.

Our most popular pieces seem to have a recurring theme, that of what appeals to students. Life Advice and Rants post on 'School Work' and Beauty's 'Empties' show how students deal with both school and
how they look. Although other articles such as 'Be Yourself' teaches us to accept who we are, make up makes us feel confident and having those essentials that we splash the cash on helps to emulate that inspiring article.

All our posts have been inspiring, funny and intelligent, most like the girls who write them. On behalf of the blog, we thank everyone who reads what we write. It makes this all worth while and puts real meaning that people appreciate what we write. Both our Twitter run by Charlotte and Tumblr run by Ellie promotes this blog excellently and without that, we wouldn't have been able to reach over 5,000 page views. We try our upmost to post daily and give our heart and soul in what we write. I'm proud of all the girls and their brilliant writing. Let's hope for many more posts to come.

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