Wednesday 21 January 2015

School Work: Life, Advice and Rants

Secondary school. The Americans call it high school, most students call it hell. Let's put the social side of making friends, finding a relationship and peer judgement to one side and concentrate on the actual work side of it all. Yes it is not just a social experiment trying to make our lives that little but more difficult and our self esteem that bit lower, there are actual exams we have to take and lessons we have to attend.

I have no idea how any other school systems work but I know in our school it's the first two years doing absolutely nothing, two extra years of slightly more work, another year of 'oh shit, I have to do GCSE's' and then 2 more of mind numbing, never ending work loads. And adults say we have it easy. You know what, as a teenager you couldn't think life could possibly get worse. I have Do's and Do Not's that could help you get all that work done!

DO NOT Procrastinate 
I'm going to be honest with you, I'm a self confessed procrastinator. I never find the motivation to do the work necessary to achieve the grades I and others have targeted for me. Ignoring something, as I have learnt the hard way, doesn't mean it will go away. All it does is let the envitable work load linger until your at a point of no return. Just get the work done and then do whatever the hell you want with whatever time you've got left. Don't learn this the hard way.

DO Ask for help
Teachers do have a purpose and though some may not make you feel this way, they do want to help you! Their job is to get you the grade so they can have a lovely bonus to celebrate with and some just the joy of seeing your face on results day knowing you have achieve all you possibly can. Trust me, if they weren't passionate about the job they wouldn't do it. Who would really chose to have 30 screaming pre-pubescent teenagers wafting body odour all over the classroom if they didn't care about the subject and the certain individuals that share the same passion. If your stuck or want to know more please just ask, there's no point moping over work you can't do if you can find the help literally standing in front of you. 

DO NOT Play Dumb to Impress
Okay peer views can mean more to people than others but countless of young, bright students try to not show how intelligent they are because it isn't 'cool'. Do you know what's not cool, sitting at home crying because you didn't pass a exam in the subject you love just so you fit in better. No one is really that worried that you actually know something. The human mind is a brilliant gift and if you worry that you may not be accepted by certain people, then find people that it will impress. 

DO Chose the subjects you enjoy most 
There is nothing worse than sitting in a class that you absolutely hate and have no passion in understanding or increasing your knowledge in that field. You may as well not turn up than be there. Don't feel like you have to chose subjects that may please your parents or because your mates aren't taking it. If your not happy, it reflects in the work you do (or don't) and what the point in that! What you enjoy most is the subjects you should pick and base your optional subjects on that.

So I hope these will help to control the almost certain emotional breakdowns you will experience during the course of our school life and just remember that it will be worth it in the end. Hopefully. 

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