Thursday 29 January 2015

Zebra Cake: Baking

Zebra Cake!

So this week it was my Mum's birthday and she loves anything animal print (it's becoming an obsession) So I decided to make her a zebra print birthday cake! Okay, so it didn't turn out to look exactly like a zebra's stripes, however my Mum was pretty impressed and i thought it looked cool so I'm going to show you how to get this amazing design!

What you will need:

  • 1 cake mix of your choice
  • 3 bowls
  • Food colouring of your choice ( I used pink)
  • Cocoa Powder

First off, I suggest using a cake mix that you can get from any supermarket. Usually I don't like using them but you need the mixture to be quite runny and I found that cake mix's have the perfect consistency for it.

Once you have got yourself a good cake mix, follow the instructions on the packet on how to make the batter and then divide it into 3 bowls. You will need half of the batter in one bowl, and then divide the other half into two to fill the other bowls. 

Then, add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to one of the small bowls (if it gets too thick add some milk to loosen it up) and the colour of your choice to the other. Leave the big bowl of batter alone.

Then, add one big tablespoon of the normal cake mix to a cake tin. Next add some of the brown cake mix on top and then some of the pink cake mix. Keep repeating this until you use up all of the cake mix. If you are having trouble spreading it, shake the cake tin and that will move it around. Make sure that the mix reaches the edges of the tin.

Then bake in the oven for however long it says on your cake mix packet (mine was 30-35 mins) 

Decorate it to how you wish and enjoy! This was such a cool design to put in a cake and impressed everyone, even though it was surprisingly simple!
Thank you for reading! 

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