Thursday 23 April 2015

Jaffa Cakes!- Baking


So earlier this week I was sat in lesson struggling to think of what to make for this weeks post when I turned to see Charlotte, a fellow member of Almost1998, scoffing her face with Jaffa cakes. As I result of this, I thought why not have a go at making my own Jaffa cakes and they turned out tasting brilliant (not too brilliant on the presentation however!)


So firstly you will need to pre heat the oven to 190 degrees C. Then you will need:

  • 4 eggs
  • 125g sugar
  • 125g self raising flour
  • 50g melted butter
  • 1 zest of an orange
Firstly, crack the eggs into the bowl and add the orange zest and sugar, then start whisking! You will need an electric mixer for this otherwise its going to take you forever to whisk it all up! Keep whisking on a high speed for about 10 minutes or until the mixture has doubled in size and gone pale and thick enough for it to leave streaks in the mixture. Then with a spoon, very gently fold in the melted butter and the flour. You have to mix this in extremely gently as you do not want to force any air out. At first it may seem like the flour is never going to mix in, but keep going and you'll get there! Then pour this into a greased square tin and bake in the oven for 18 minutes.
When the cake is cooked, leave in the tin to cool down completely and then find a round cookie cutter in the size you would like your cakes to be.

 I cut out 9 pieces and then cut them in half so I had 18 cakes in total

To make these quick and easy, instead of making the jelly, I decided to buy the little pots and use that for the filling. To do this all I did was chop the jelly up into thin circles and pop them on top of the cakes.


Now for my favourite part- the chocolate! I didn't put it in the microwave in large chunks straight away though! If you heat it too much the particles in the cocoa butter over heat and break and therefore do not reform again which means that your chocolate will not set. To reduce this you are meant to grate the chocolate so that it takes less heat to melt it however I am not patient enough to grate 2 bars of chocolate and so I used a smoothie mixer and that worked just fine!
Then you can go ahead and melt the chocolate and then pop it in a piping bag and pipe over the jelly and cake! Once everything is assembled, make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy!

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