Wednesday 15 April 2015

Girl Crushes: Life, Advice and Rants

Okay so for today's post its going to be kind of more focused towards the female members of our audience as I want to discuss the term 'girl crush'. A 'girl crush' is a common phrase used by generally teenage girls to define women who inspire them, that they idolise or who they aspire to be. 

Calling someone your 'girl crush' has often been misinterpreted as sexual desire for said woman however in many cases it is simply not true. Other may have a sexual attraction towards their girl crush, stating them to be 'the only girl I would ever have sex with'. Often these crushes are celebrities, women that are do amazing things or just keep us entertained with their talent, humor and beauty. With so many women in the spotlight that offer themselves as such good role models it is hard not to find just who they are to be attractive, its not just about how they look! I'll be honest, I have a massive girl crush on actress Anna Kendrick. Yes she is hot, but I read her twitter if I ever feel down because she is awkwardly hilarious. She is an amazing actress who has conquered both chick flicks, musicals and drama to create a creditable reputation which got her a Best Supporting Actress nomination at the 2010 Oscars. This crush on her isn't romantic (okay maybe a little), its focusing on her personally and her achievements which make me really want to be her best friend. Or be her. I haven't quite figured that one out yet.

Women, especially young women, have always had such feelings of adoration for each other. Social scientists suspect such emotions are part of women's nature, feelings that evolution may have favoured because they help women bond with one another. Theses girl crushes don't have to be the celebrities we would never met, they could be women in everyday life that you want to confidence boost because you see how amazing they are. My friends and I never think twice to tell another that their bum looks good in those jeans or randomly kissing them at parties when we have had a few too many. It doesn't necessarily mean we suddenly want to start our lesbian love affair together. 

Now a days its far more acceptable to embrace our girl crushes and to not be worried people will question our sexuality if we think some girl is hot. We can appreciate and admire a woman's beauty, intelligence, humor and personality. Women supporting women is what we should be doing instead of bashing down what it means to be a woman. So embrace your girl crushes because you know what, its okay to appreciate what it means to be a woman.

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