Wednesday 4 February 2015

Dealing With Change: Life, Advice and Rants

Change is a natural part of life, and everyone faces it at one time or another. Some may feel excited about change that involves a gain however, others may worry about a change that involves a loss. Some may find it much easier to make gradual adjustments than to face a sudden upheaval in everyday life. We all reacted differently to change, some embrace it whereas others can't deal with it. 

As human beings, we're wired to stick with what's comfortable and change can bring about a lot of stress because we feel as though it interrupts our everyday lives. I'm here to help you understand change is usually for the better and that there are ways of dealing with it. I have some tips for dealing with upcoming stressful change in your life:

- Be prepared
When expecting change ask yourself "what's the worse that could happen?" This question will force you to look a the worst case scenario then work back from there. It's forcing yourself to look at what could go wrong and finding strategies to do your best to prevent this.

- Accept the changes
Life is full of unexpected surprises; don't let this be a lesson you refuse to learn. Change will be a part of your life, no matter how much you may try to shelter or protect yourself from it. The major key to coping with change is to begin by accepting the reality of change and its inevitability

- Keep a open mind
Try not to jump to conclusions about the change you’re facing. Just because you haven’t done something before doesn't mean you won’t like it. 

- Take care of your health
Physical and emotional health can take a toll when dealing with any change. Just take
extra care to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. This will help relieve stress of change and help you be fighting fit to deal with it.

- Face your feelings
Think about this thoroughly, especially when the change is imposed and beyond your control. Get past "Why me?" "But I don't want to!" and "It isn't fair!" Figure out what your fears or worries are and that takes work but you don't have to be a victim, even when you are not in control of the change.

Progress in life is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.We can't just go back and start a new beginning but we can accept the changes today and start to make a new ending. 

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