Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Best Shows to Binge: Life, Advice and Rants

Schools out for many and after the never ending stress of exams many are looking forward to all the free time upon them. Planning social times with friends, sunbathing and holidays on most people agenda's but sometimes, its good to spend alone time. Yes summer maybe the time to get out however its okay to curl up into a duvet burrito, grab all the food and watch seasons of a fab tv show. I have done this plenty of times and I will now recommend my go to tv binge.

1. Orange is the New Black
Looking for something that will make you laugh, think wtf and cry all at once? Look no further than Netflix original series OITNB. The main focus is on Piper Chapman, a bisexual woman who is sentence to a 15 month incarceration at a federal woman's prison for transporting drug money 10 years prior. You follow Piper as she struggles to fit into prison life, to carry on her relationship with her fiancee and deal with being in the same place as her ex-girlfriend Alex who got her sentenced. The series aired in July 2013 and currently has 2 seasons of 13 episodes each, with season 3 being released on June 12th. It is the perfect binge as the all the episodes come out at once meaning 13 hours of hilarious dialogue, extremely interesting sub-plots and an all female cast. Couldn't think of a better way to spend 26 hours of my life.

2. Pretty Little Liars
One of the largest American tv shows which just celebrated 5 years since the pilot aired is of course the teen drama PLL. I manged to watch 4 seasons in 3 weeks which sounds embarrassing but each episode will have you pining for the next. Following 4 best friends Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna as they seek to find the truth behind the 5th liar Alison's disappearance and what they perceived to be death. Obviously there are many twists along the way which makes the suspense almost addictive. 68 hours to binge with you constantly saying 'just one more episode.'

3. Friends
The ultimate binge and a timeless classic. With all 10 seasons on Netflix, imagine how much time you can waste reliving some of the most remembered tv scenes. Such as Rachel getting off the plane, Counting all of Ross's engagements, Joeys 'how you doin?', Monica's humidity hair, how Chandler couldn't BE anymore serious and of course Phoebe's...interesting running style. So tell your parents you love them because your in for a 98 hours and 20 minute ride. Sleep? Sleep is for the weak.

So get ready because binge watching takes commitment, concentration and hard work...and your mum saying it is a 'waste of your time', 'your room smells nearly as bad as you do' and 'you disgust me'. But don't listen to the haters, alone time is happy time and we all need a good binge every now and again.

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