I have to admit, before I made these for a catering exam, I never liked bakewell tarts but these are amazing and I now have an addiction. This recipe is complicated, but I've tried my best to make this as easy as possible for you! Enjoyyy!
For the pastry:
(You can buy ready made pastry, just skip these few steps)
- 200g flour
- 50g sugar
- Milk
Firstly, add the butter and flour together. The butter must be cold so that the pastry stays crispy when cooked. Rub together with your fingers so that the butter breaks up and combines with the flour to make what looks like breadcrumbs. Then stir the sugar in.
Now add 1 tablespoon of milk at a time to the breadcrumbs and combine it together until it forms a dough ball. Mine took about 3-5 tablespoons. If you add too much milk, just add some more flour until it becomes a smooth ball.
Then put it in the fridge whilst you make the inside of the bakewell.
For the bakewell:
You will need:
- 175g Butter
- 175 Sugar
- 175 Ground Almonds
- 1 egg
- 2 teaspoons of almond extract or essence
- Flaked almonds
Firstly, you will need to add the butter and sugar together and mix it until it looks light and fluffy. Then add the egg and almond essence or extract (extract is more expensive than essence, but in this recipe I find that there isn't a difference in taste)
Then you can add the ground almonds. You can find this in the baking isle of a supermarket. Mix it all together and set aside for later.
Now you can get the pastry out of the fridge and dust the work surface you are using with flour; this will stop the pastry from sticking to it. It will also help if you dust flour on the rolling pin as well.
Now you can cut the pastry out and put it into the tin. Use your fingers to delicately push the pastry into the edges. Don't worry if the pastry tears, just patch it up with some extra pastry.
Now add some jam to the bottom of the pastry and spread it all around. You can use any flavour you wish, it still tastes amazing either way;)
Then spoon the bakewell mix, 1 tablespoon to each pastry case, and spread it all around to the edges. Then sprinkle flaked almonds on top to give it a crunch.
Cook in the oven for 30-35 minutes. As you can see I slightly burnt mine because I forgot they were in the oven! I advise you not to do that;) Once they are out, brush them with jam and leave to cool.
Mix 5 tablespoons of icing sugar with 2 teaspoons of water until it reaches the consistency of melted chocolate. Then splatter it all over the cooled bakewells. You don't have to make these look perfect, its better if they look messy!
I hope you enjoyed this recipe and find it easy to follow if you decide to make them! Please leave suggestions of what you would like me to make next! Thank you!
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